Appliance: Maytag Electric Dryer MEDE300VF1 My Repair & Advice. The appliance instructions, located inside the cabinet, said to replace the electronic controls to clear the code. It has two: I took a 50-50 shot and replaced the cheaper of the two (behind front control panel), that did not clear the code.

Here's the user manual for the dryer. Go to p.5 to view how the electrical connection should be for the dryer. There should be 2 x 120V AC feeds to the dryer at the wall outlet.You should check there or the power box to make sure that all the fuses/circuit breakers are OK first. Here's a parts supplier for the dryer.

Customer: Our Maytag 5000 dryers stopped working, it has a code F01. Do you know what this could be. Contractor's Assistant: Do you know the model of your Maytag dryer? How old is it? Customer: Med e500vw1 Contractor's Assistant: How long has this been going on with your Maytag dryer? What have you tried so far? Customer: It just stopped …

Appliance: Maytag Gas Dryer MGDE500VP1 My Repair & Advice. Installed new control board. Access was easy after removing the top cover of the dryer. After removing the old board and removing from the white case mount, you could clearly see the burn make on the plastic case from the toasted relay part g8p-1a4p-acd.

Appliance: Model MAYTAG 5000 SERIES DRYER My Repair & Advice. Ordered replacement control board and switched them out. I should add I am a 44 yo woman. Was easy to do. Unplug. Remove 2 screws from the back to take the top off. Photo the old control board to document connections. Unhook old one, remove from bracket. …

In some cases, the dryer simply needs to be reset. The first thing to do is to try resetting your dryer. To do that, simply disconnect your dryer from its power source and leave it turned off for a few minutes. After a few minutes, turn your dryer back on and see if the error code has gone. Most of …

Appliance: Maytag 29" Electric Dryer MEDE300VF1 My Repair & Advice The appliance instructions, located inside the cabinet, said to replace the electronic controls to clear the code. It has two: I took a 50-50 shot and replaced the cheaper of the two (behind front control panel), that did not clear the code.